Cyber Security Workshop
Event details
Free event
Past dates
- Mon Sep 14th 2020 | 10:00 am till 12:00 pm
About this Event
From trading relationships to technology, most aspects of running a small business are changing.
The precise form that the EU Exit and a Post Covid-19 world will take remains unclear and the implications for business will vary by size, sector, and the main markets for your specific business.
This free interactive workshop will consist of 6 hours of free online training delivered over 3 days (2 hour blocks each), and will provide insight on cyber security threats, how to protect your business, cyber security essentials and more.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
Day 1 – Monday 14th September
A World of Experts and Criminals
- Quiz: how cyber security aware are you?
- Cyber security report 2020
- The need for cyber security
- What are we protecting?
- Who are we protecting against?
- Why are they attacking?
- How to protect?
The Cyber security Cube
- The three dimensions of the cyber security cube
- CIA Triad
- Cyber security countermeasures
Day 2 – Thursday 17th September
Cyber security Threats, Vulnerabilities and Attacks
- Malware and Malicious Code
- Deception
- Attacks
The Art of Protecting Secrets
- Cryptography
- Access Controls
- Obscuring Data
Day 3 – Friday 18th September
Protecting the Organisation
- Cyber security Essentials (NCSC)
- Best practices
The Five Nines
- Incident Response
- Disaster Recovery
Final quiz
Take Homes
At the end of the day you will have an improved insight into cyber security. Crucially, you will have models that can be applied in your own organisation to develop a change plan in response to the specific challenges and opportunities that the EU Exit and COVID-19 throws at your organisation.
Course Leader – Dr Erika Sanchez-Velazquez
Erika leads our Cisco Networking Academy and has expertise in networks and security. She has a special interest in recently developed technologies, include Software Defined Networks and the Internet of Things,with a focus on how they can improve security and how they affect the security of a network.